start point does not meet end point

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start point does not meet end point

Post by Young »

This is Joon.
When we got the machine, we said our machine couldn't cut the circle.
(the start point does not meet the end point.)
And, I assume that the problem occurs because of electric parts of the machine.
(I am not sure 100% but it seems that electric parts have a problem.)

Tom replied it can be caused because of the static electricity.
We called the specialist. And, he said our new office is newly renovated.
All the electricity supply parts are new. And, there is a grounding connection.
So, Tom's answer cannot be a reason of the problem.

I tried to cut 12 circles at one go. Every time, only first circle does not have a problem.
Otherwise, all the other circles have a problem that the start point does not meet end point.
And, when I moved the origin, it happens again.
From wherever I start to cut the circles, only first circle does not have a problem.

It is the same that I told Tom last time.
When I had a problem, I could solve it if I moved the head and started to cut again.
At that time I could not understand the whole problem.
Now, I understand that this machine can cut the perfect circle only the circle is the first object.
From second object, all the time the start point does not meet end point.
So, I think your people could not check it because it can cut first object perfectly.

Please, let me know how to solve this. If I cannot solve this problem, this machine is useless.
I spent almost one month to solve this problem.
If I cannot solve this problem within next week, I will be in a really big trouble.

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Thunder laser - Tom
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Thunder laser - Tom »

Hi Joon
Sorry to bring this trouble to you until now
Please try to test it again according to the below picture as shown to tick that option in the software
1. import your file into the software
2. tick there according to the picture shown
3. load it into the laser and start to test it again, please try 3 times

Then let me know what happens later.
backlash reapy optim.jpg
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Young »

Dear Tom

Thanks for your quick reply.
After having a test according to your direction, we can get perfect circles.
I am attaching photo.

However, when I did not choose the backlash repay option, the problem happens again.
Now, do you know why it happens?

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Thunder laser - Tom
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Thunder laser - Tom »

Hi Joon
You are welcome
Good to hear that you can get perfect circles now
Yeah, please choose the backlash repay option when you encounter this problem later
I think that the issue should be caused by the motion operation program that are not perfect
Now we used this option to correct that the motion program are not running perfect
If the hardware of machine has a problem, the first circle should also the same problem. but it not
I get this answer from our controller supplier, but i hard to explain why it can solved this problem. sorry

Have a good day
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Young »

Dear Tom

Thank you for your help.

I have more questions.
It seems that if I choose that option, it takes around 15% more time to treat material.

1. Is there any solution to speed up?

2. If I keep using that option all the time, does it matter?
I mean that the option can cause any damages to the machine in the future?

3. If I replace the motion driver, can it solve the problem?

Thunder laser - Tom
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Thunder laser - Tom »

Hi Joon
1. you can set a higher power to get the speed up
2. for your currently job, i suggest that you can keep using that this setting. it is ok
but when the laser does other jobs, if there is no problem, you don't need to choose that option then
Yeah, it was not able to damaged the machine, don't worry about this
it just optimizes the cutting path for your file.
3. this is not caused by the motion driver, so even if we replace the motion driver, it should makes not sense.
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Young »


Thanks for quick reply.

OK got it.
If the option does not harm the machine, it does not matter.
15% less speed does not matter to us now.

Thank you for your support!!!

Thunder laser - Tom
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Re: start point does not meet end point

Post by Thunder laser - Tom »

Hi Joon
Don't worried about this
It does not harm the machine, just optimize the cutting path after you choose this setting

If you have any questions, please contact with us again

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