Help please! Problems marking bare on aluminum.

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Help please! Problems marking bare on aluminum.

Post by Seans »

Hi all,

Please help! This is my first post so I apologize if I'm not following the required format. But I can't mark on bare aluminum with a 50 watt fiber laser with 300mm x 300mm lens. I'm using Lightburn. Tried all sorts of settings. 100% power, slowed it to a crawl at 10mm per sec. 20hz frequency. It wont even make a ding. What am I doing wrong. Followed multiple youtube videos.

Thanks, Sean
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Re: Help please! Problems marking bare on aluminum.

Post by TylerGecko_ »

Regarding your laser engraving journey, I’d like to share a positive experience I had with my Monport laser machine. I've found it to be extremely reliable and versatile in handling various materials, including metals when using the right settings. The customer support team has been fantastic in helping me troubleshoot issues, and the community around Monport is very welcoming and supportive. If you’re considering a laser machine for future projects, I highly recommend checking them out!
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Re: Help please! Problems marking bare on aluminum.

Post by Hanabelarms0912 »

Hi Sean,

It sounds like you’re having trouble getting results with your 50 watt fiber laser on bare aluminum. This material can be particularly challenging because it often reflects the laser beam rather than absorbing it, making marking difficult. Here are a few things to check and try: First, ensure that your lens is properly focused on the material and is clean and in good condition. For marking aluminum, it’s often necessary to use a special marking compound or coating that can absorb the laser energy. Applying a marking paste or coating to the surface might help. Although you’ve tried high power and low speed, experimenting with different power, speed, frequency, and pulse settings could yield better results. Double-check your LightBurn settings to ensure they are optimized for fiber laser marking. Also, make sure the aluminum surface is clean and free of any coatings or contaminants. If you continue to face issues, you might consider exploring other options like the Monport Laser, which is known for being user-friendly, high-quality, and affordable. You can check out their products here to see if they offer a solution that fits your needs. Good luck, and I hope you find a solution that works for your marking project!
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