Thunder mini60 engraving problem

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Thunder mini60 engraving problem

Post by Lance_Weisman »

Dear Tom
i have problem with my thunder mini60 laser machine .
yesterday when i started the machine , the laser head went to is home origine and the axe motor made noise because it couldn't stop when it went to the back of table . then the axe was blocked and cannot move . so i restarted the machine , and the axe motor made noise again . even i pushed X/Y motor axe button i had the same problem , motor didin't stop.
i moved the laser head many time and the machine find his good position , and axe motor can stop hitself.
but now the engraving is very bad , there are many lines didn't engraved .
i cleaned mirrors and len , i replaced the laser tube ,the problem stay the same .
i took video and picture to show you . i hope for your help please .
best regards
Lance weisman
Thunder laser - Tom
Posts: 115
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:16 am

Re: Thunder mini60 engraving problem

Post by Thunder laser - Tom »

Hi Lance
This is Tom from thunder laser
It looks not good for your laser
And i think we have to solved the motor that made noise firstly
1. please check if the setting of software are confusion by something
please that the attached picture as shown, especially the Limit switch must be set to Low Level Effect
2. could you please check if both drivers are correctly with the steps per revelution and peak current
the steps for revelution must be set to 5000 for x and y axis
the peak current must be set to 3.2A for x-axis
the peak current must be set to 3.8A for y-axis

Looking forward to hear from you

Best Regards

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