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File size limits and the so called "rolling buffer"

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:07 am
by BigMayhem
Hello all,

I'm having an issue with some complex vector etching on my Epilog lasers. The files I'm sending range from 2.5 mb to almost 5mb in size. Whenever I send them to my lasers the file starts to send but eventually I get a printing error. I'm thinking this is because of the large file size. I did some research and the file size limit for saving files to the laser is 2mb. I did a little research and found out that most of Epilog's lasers have an "intelligent rolling buffer" that allows for almost any file size. I've tried sending the files to different lasers with the same result.

My question is, does this buffer need to be enabled somehow or is it supposed to work automatically?

Lasers in my shop:
75 watt Legend 36 EXT
50 watt Helix
50 watt Fusion
a few 45 watt Minis

All networked via a hard wired ethernet conection.
