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Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:10 am
by Matthew
My Mars90+ seems to have an issue when adjusting the Z axis in that it binds and sounds like it's really struggling and then the z axis movement slows. As I release the Z axis button and give a tiny movement the other direction and then back in the normal direction, it seems to run smoothly again.

Looking inside the cabinet, I wonder if the servos that raise/lower the z table get out of sync for some reason? I have two questions:

1) Do you know what might cause this issue and how to resolve it?

2) Is it possible the system could damage itself when it sounds like it's binding? Or should I just ignore the binding and let it do what it wants?


Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:04 am
by Thunder laser - Tom
Hi Matthew
Good to hear from you
For your questions,
This is caused by one motor driver is unable to output the full power of electrics to two motors
So both motors are not output a full power to raise the work table but it just happens at the beginning
and let the work table down that should be ok

So now how to resolve it
We can try to add a driver for the work table, now is one driver to be connect with two motors, so we add a driver on it,
It will be resolve that problem
It will not damage itself when you sound it's binding. just it gives out a struggling sound.

Keep in touch with us

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:39 pm
by Matthew
Are you certain this will not damage the table? While using autofocus this weekend, the table became very uneven: The left side was 20mm lower than the right side, and then it made a loud noise and stopped. I could manually move it to be even again afterwards.

I do not think autofocus is usable if the table cannot reliably move. Plus, the problem is getting worse, and I suspect it is from binding occurring and bending--albeit slight. And then the next time it runs it's more apt to bind because it has has bent a little. Is the driver that you mention just a board that is added?

Do you want to see a video of this?

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:05 am
by Thunder laser - Tom
HI Matthew
This is Tom
The reason that is z-axis is only using one driver to controlled two motors that caused the running electrics is not enough while z-axis does move
Now we can try to add a z-axis driver to increasing that running electrics for z-axis motor
I think that this will be resolve the problem
We just add a driver and some wires to connection on between controller and driver and motor
How do you think about this?

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:24 am
by Matthew
I am willing to try. I am assuming you will send board and wiring diagram and I can install myself is that right? Or do I need to send machine back? If so, it is impossible at this point.

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:11 pm
by Thunder laser - Tom
Yeah, i will send a new driver with wiring diagram to you
You can refer to the other z-axis driver that wiring to connect this new driver to the controller and the motor
They are the same, we just add a new driver for z-axis but there is a old driver to connection,
Of course, the laser has already installed two motors to up/down the work table, so we just add a new driver to let one driver to suit one motor
I will send you the tracking number as soon as i send it out

Have a nice day

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:44 am
by Thunder laser - Tom
Hi Matthew
Please send your current address and telephone number to this email
I am not sure if you've changed your address and telephone number before
Waiting for your reply

Have a good night

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:48 pm
by Matthew
The table Z Axis control is running very smoothly now. Thanks for your help.

Re: Mars90+ ZAxis Binding --- 20160108

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:46 am
by Thunder laser - Tom
Hi Matthew
Sorry has no response so lately
So you connected the driver for z-axis by yourself
And then the z-axis table is running smoothly
You refer to the other one driver of z-axis to connected with this new driver, right? good

Hope you everything is ok

Having a nice day